Noleggio Auto Moto Scooter e E-bike a Palermo – Piaggio Vespa Lambretta Fiat 500, raduni e tour Piaggio Vespa
Additional Driver
Share the pleasure of driving… Add one or more drivers to your rental and each will benefit from primary driver damage / theft coverage.

Traveling with children

Safety first. Are you traveling with a child in the car? here are our additional optionals for your and your children's safety:
RIALZO - Car seats car commonly called "rialziare intended for childs which have a weight from 15 to 36 kg.
BOOSTER SEAT – Booster Seat evolutionary with seat and back for
the childs.

Road assistance

Should the rented vehicle remain immobilized due to breakdown, failure to start in general, accident, fire, partial theft, loss and / or breakage of keys. Rentme guarantees roadside assistance 24 hours a day throughout Sicily.

Snow chains

To never risk finding yourself in trouble on icy roads or mountain trails, Rent me allows you, with a small additional cost, to also rent snow chains.

Directly to your home
With Rent me the convenience of finding and leaving the rented vehicle directly in front of your home.
Home delivery We deliver the vehicle you rented to your home.
Home collection We come to take back the vehicle you rented directly to your home

Don't look at the timetable
With Rent Me you can deliver your vehicle even after the times specified in your contract.
Late check-in 120min You can return your rented vehicle up to two hours after the contract time.


Con i nostri mezzi non avrai limitazioni di viaggio. Puoi andare dove vuoi.

Puoi pagare con carta di credito, debito o prepagata. Nessuna differenza

Nessun limite di chilometri. Parti con noi senza alcun pensiero.

ASSISTENZA STRADALE H24, 7 giorni su 7
Assistenza stradale 7 giorni su 7, 24 ore su 24. Nessun imprevisto nel tuo noleggio con noi.

I caschi nel tuo noleggio di moto e scooter con Rent Me sono sempre inclusi.
* only with purchase of Medium or Premium Protection Package